Follow the Tribe Thrive Archive curation! Access to long-form writing, snapshots and interviews that honor our mental wellness inheritance & reciprocally preserve our communal caregivers.

Before there was group therapy, there were tribes.

Before adventure, dance, recreation, music, outdoor and talk therapies our tribes have lived these practices as systems of whole community mental wellness care.

This pattern of group gathering, playing and feeling for healing is named, credited and celebrated as ancestral mental health expertise called TRIBE THRIVE.

A way of living in which communities honor the care structures within their own cultures [TRIBE THRIVE]
care leaders + wellness CEOs are seen as having rest, care and pleasure needs worthy of support - as fellow valued community members.

The TRIBE THRIVE Archive is a historical, global collection of snapshots, sounds and stories that provide examples.

Writings from Mishara D. Winston as a licensed recreation and adventure mental health therapist & wellness strategist

- honor our practices as decendents whose bodies continue to lead us to leisure- recreation to build mental wellness before, during and after stress and harm.


TRIBE THRIVE especially hightlights the group experiences of Black, Brown & Indigenous to the Land communities living their affirminng mental health care system through traditions of rest & play within the spaces in which they have celebrated feeling safe.


